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SEO tips

Check out all the news, news, tips and all the other information about SEO in all its splendor!

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Interest properly reference his website ..

By On 15/06/2015

In what has been-create a website is often to share his passions or information with a community (pro, personal, blog or others ..). And in any case we need visitors to share real taboo and without this information.

SEO it allows us to gain visibility to close to the public but also to bring visitors to the site.

Ideally get your site follow these infos:

- When submitting in directories always change the title of your site (it should never appear 2 times identically on a search engine ..)

- When do you propose partnerships (link exchange ..) make sure that the site is interested in closer to the same theme as yours. (If there is too different search engines may not want to consider it as quality, and it will likely become a weight in your SEO)!

- Do not spam the Forums, Blogs and website on how you go! Prefer made to the directory profile (of DesRecherches) in your signature at any site to redirect users to a page or marked the main site information, the most curious visitors and those that you can greatly bring added value will not hesitate to click on your link to visit your website.



Tip 2: Put a title for your pages, a description, and keywords .. De preferences related to the contained of the page so as Bing, Google, DesRecherches consort and then it really consider it !

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First article and explanation ..!

By On 15/06/2015

Welcome to the first article of the category '' Good Référenement Plans '' of DesRecherches. You can discover in this category all the news, News, tips and other regarding the internet and SEO! Some shake Article taken from specialized media and others realized in collaboration with pro and used the medium. Just as it happens us to create fully edit articles by us without outside interference!

You will also discover one board per item.

Tip # 1: Make reference your blogs, websites and forums on DesRecherches and potentially reach 95 000 single visitors per month ..