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Annuaire :

Rebirth of DesRecherche.Test!

By On 26/11/2022 is in the relaunch phase!

More details in the article.

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Last blog post!

By On 29/05/2018

We have come a long way with each other until today!


But is more than an empty shell and having no more inspiration and being alone in managing the site, I have no other choice but to stop taking care of it !


But do not worry, the site will not be unpublished or delete (in any case, not now!).

Partners and collaborators!

By On 08/04/2016

As part of the development of the site I search other sites with a community which conch. I am ready to discuss with all of you to optimized your appearance on the website! true:

  • ~ 13,000 single visitors per month.
  • ~ 8200 members.
  • Free Chat 2 (Including 1 cat that allows member to discuss them in private if they wish)
  • independent forum with several category.
  • Independent directory with multiple category.
  • Site entirely independent of that conch multinational company or large corporation.

So I'm around to talk to you for partnerships and co-workers!

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

New extreme to know!

By On 20/12/2015

Reseau social entreprise drgroupCurrent official logo DesRecherches and services. But I'm not writing this post just to show you.
I wish to share some of the novelties applied to the site! So to begin here!


Be they photos, images, film, videos. You would find them in this service to dedicate this aid. - You can access it here or here-Images-Videos -



You go through this app to play games and their demos, flash games .. Download software and other programs etc .. - You can access it via the Account menu Entertainment -


You can through our directory to list your site in the major search engines (Yahoo, Google and Bing). But also increase your visibility very substantially. The directory also has a second search engines (made in Google), which allows you to locate all your information on the websites of our partners and collaborators. - You can access it here-Directory -


You can thanks to our forum to discuss with other members of the community but also ask for help and sought solutions to your problem. Users can log file messages, create topics and participate in the contest that are organized! - You can access it here Forum -


You can talk quietly with other users without mandatory registration. You can share with others your problems, your solutions, your passions to knowledge etc .. Feel free to share the page chat with your loved ones! - You can access it here-Chat -

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

Partnership with other blog and forums!

By On 25/09/2015

As part of our research Partnership and Collaboration provides us with blog and forums to create topics and articles about DesRecherches, and so we also create an article about them. The links that shook put in the article will lead directly to the pages of partner-collaborators concerned!

If you too want to participate or discuss a partnership which conch and / or collaborations do not hesitate to contact us!

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

Services DesRecherches et al's partners!

By On 12/08/2015

You've probably noticed bottom of the page above the chat. It is no longer DR Web Group which publishes the site but CouchiMedia Group, it is not a change of hands but only the change of name of the site on which I gather some of my web activities. I suggest you go for a walk and leave a little comment or messages in the guestbook. (Link here)

Since 08/10/2015 is edited by!

The services I provide on DesRecherches InChanger rest, you can still (looking for information via search engines, chat with other people on chat, ask questions in the forum to reference your site, blog and forum on Directory and much more)!

But underneath all you can continue to give me your opinion so I can evolve to better DesRecherches and improve these services.


Your Admin!

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

Interest properly reference his website ..

By On 15/06/2015

In what has been-create a website is often to share his passions or information with a community (pro, personal, blog or others ..). And in any case we need visitors to share real taboo and without this information.

SEO it allows us to gain visibility to close to the public but also to bring visitors to the site.

Ideally get your site follow these infos:

- When submitting in directories always change the title of your site (it should never appear 2 times identically on a search engine ..)

- When do you propose partnerships (link exchange ..) make sure that the site is interested in closer to the same theme as yours. (If there is too different search engines may not want to consider it as quality, and it will likely become a weight in your SEO)!

- Do not spam the Forums, Blogs and website on how you go! Prefer made to the directory profile (of DesRecherches) in your signature at any site to redirect users to a page or marked the main site information, the most curious visitors and those that you can greatly bring added value will not hesitate to click on your link to visit your website.



Tip 2: Put a title for your pages, a description, and keywords .. De preferences related to the contained of the page so as Bing, Google, DesRecherches consort and then it really consider it !

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First article and explanation ..!

By On 15/06/2015

Welcome to the first article of the category '' Good Référenement Plans '' of DesRecherches. You can discover in this category all the news, News, tips and other regarding the internet and SEO! Some shake Article taken from specialized media and others realized in collaboration with pro and used the medium. Just as it happens us to create fully edit articles by us without outside interference!

You will also discover one board per item.

Tip # 1: Make reference your blogs, websites and forums on DesRecherches and potentially reach 95 000 single visitors per month ..

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

Just full of news for you!

By On 25/03/2015

Good morning (or evening) everyone ..

How are you? I am writing this letter to inform you that the site going to change the head. Yes they'll change the head, you have to move eh!

For starters there'll be plenty of new (homepage improve, improve search engine, possibility of knowing funs things and so on ..)! it'll soon be:

To start this gonna disappear .. A home page cline: No topic through and mix it (THE NEW -> gonna disappear .. | All that is below'll also disappear .. Excepter the category the directory and search engine to search the site .. | The Tips section also going to disappear .. | The thumbnail images belonging to the directory in which I (or is supposed to) be referenced will be lowered just above the chat .. The directory, forum, the results of your research and other pages will be redesigned sorts that they are better taken into account by search engines and devices via which you enter the site.

To continue, what'll appear and / or to improve .. Homepage reviewed and redone: Small top pages .. presentations Subscriptions search engine integrated into the site followed by the category of the directory (with buttons Submissions site ..). You can also look for the information they need you via the new search engine that'll be available to you and let you stay on! Below you will find the latest file comments on the site and the last message Upload in the Forum .. In the bottom of the site you will find any quality directories in which we reference, and just below you will find the chat to him will not change places! [For the curious directory, we submit our site in directories and waiting 4 months with removing the link of the so-called directory - His should largely be good or refused to accept a site no]! You can also read the time polls to time in chat or in the right column of the site.

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

Series Item # 3 - Optimize your SEO web!

By On 14/11/2014

If you're on this article is that you are looking for a way to get your site online as quickly as possible? Although I believe to have the solutions, but you should know that above all, to reference the online site is not that (Being present in Google Bing .. .. .. Yandex DesRecherches .. And consort) c 'also publish quality contained and independent of other sites, blog or other online forum! So do not hesitate to create articles with tips about the activity your site is about or see even propose partnerships with other sites in the same theme as you (They put their banners in your website and aims versa ..) and bring you their visitors and they bring you visitors. Obviously social networks such as (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Twitter, Tumblr and consort ..) can help boost the number of visits your site!

You can also submit your website in the directory so that reference your site and participate in due to the increases your number of visits, the increase in the search engines and more! SMALL IN COUNCIL DIRECTORY: If you want to submit your site in directories you need at all costs to put a little change .. Official Title For descriptions must describe your website, its business, for who she is, why have create, which is what little use, and finally to complete a short sentence to convince the user to go over and have a look! For the "Keywords" are very few search engine uses keywords, but I guarantee you they just always used to some things. For although these search engines is small they still use keywords to certain things (Bing DesRecherches .. .. .. Qwant Yandex, to confirm .. Seek and consort)!

That's been the board today for better view and gain visitors in the web! For questions, suggestions, or feel free to login and place them in the comments or contact us directly via the contact form!