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Directory: News and information!

By On 05/07/2016 just reaching 245 connections accepted. This is not cool!

That said, a novelty and put into service today. It is picked-words, each site reference in a category will also have those keywords in the name of the category in which the links it finds.

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

New extreme to know!

By On 20/12/2015

Reseau social entreprise drgroupCurrent official logo DesRecherches and services. But I'm not writing this post just to show you.
I wish to share some of the novelties applied to the site! So to begin here!


Be they photos, images, film, videos. You would find them in this service to dedicate this aid. - You can access it here or here-Images-Videos -



You go through this app to play games and their demos, flash games .. Download software and other programs etc .. - You can access it via the Account menu Entertainment -


You can through our directory to list your site in the major search engines (Yahoo, Google and Bing). But also increase your visibility very substantially. The directory also has a second search engines (made in Google), which allows you to locate all your information on the websites of our partners and collaborators. - You can access it here-Directory -


You can thanks to our forum to discuss with other members of the community but also ask for help and sought solutions to your problem. Users can log file messages, create topics and participate in the contest that are organized! - You can access it here Forum -


You can talk quietly with other users without mandatory registration. You can share with others your problems, your solutions, your passions to knowledge etc .. Feel free to share the page chat with your loved ones! - You can access it here-Chat -

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

COPY: white to Redesign Its searches!

By On 12/12/2015

Researches are going to undergo a major change! Find them all here ..!

Learn more!

Reseau social entreprise drgroup

News 11/28/2015 - From Research Project

By On 28/11/2015

Hello I'm here to explain what the DesRecherches project.

DesRecherches is a site that allows the user such that they are to search via the search engine to locate all kinds of information available in our database.

Here are some important details to know:

Account: The account creation 'Personal Space' 'is totally free and will remain so. It allows the registered user (site members), to file messages in the forum, and receive faster responses on the part of modo's and site administrators (because it is marked as registered).
Forum: The forum allows all site members to file messages and search the information they need. Internet users not being registered on the site can also visit the forum and find the information they need, but not the ability to leave messages on the forum. All users wishing to join the forum must register on the site and connect.
Directory: The directory we publish allows you to reference your blog, website, forum and e-commerce site to increase your visibility on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo ..). They then responsible for compliance with our Terms and the search engines your site and work to be better positioned in the search engines. All users can rate, share files directory and comment without being registered on the site and connect.
Videos: Occasionally, when do I have time. I search for YouTube accounts that provides quality videos, relevant and also fun to share them with users DesRecherches. All users can rate videos, share them and also comment (without being registered on the site ..)!
Album: When I have time I put online some photos and images taken by it and by then. All users can rate, share and comment (without being registered on the site ..)!

Speaking to present news and latest news DesRecherches!

Yes, because the site also novelties and news to share with you!

We have no partnership with HotChaîne Group as our link exchange will unfortunately its not beneficial since the time that we are partner ..
Mag90ProductionsGroupe-Sales, is no longer our partners. It is replaced by Mag90Ventes, the site manages the shop.
Our partnership with Group is LSCI-booster. We'll do an article on them and vice versa.
We keep exclusive partner!

And now new!

As you know DesRecherches vocations to offer quality services regardless of the situation and used platform. It is in this context that I invite you to discover the same as the other surfers future news and upcoming projects for the site!

Scheduled for the first days critical update:

Withdrawals advertising managed by our host, manage and appearance of advertising by us or one of our service.
Creation of a community space for each of the users who registered on the site. So you can chat via your friend's profile (s), write articles, share your files and your directory forum conversations about your profile and also access private class on the site.
The newsletter we send you shake a thousand times better present and you can receive up to three per month.
Account Creation Pro, you can ask us to upload your account as a professional (watch TOS upcoming Special to this point ..).
Creation of advertising campaign and communication category for DesRecherches.

In any sums to invest for the first important days of squeezed bid at € 3,500 HT.