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Series of Articles No. 2 - Music on demand

By On 15/10/2014 at 02:26 0

In DesRecherche - Blog Off

Welcome on items # 2 of the series!

I hope the first you most? Because now we'll go to something else. We turn now to the Music on demand so as video on demand but this is music that is ask!

I created a few days there as a special category in the directory of the site or reference I made ​​a lot of such service (obviously legal). You will find in it all sorts of little go its website MusicMe, Deezer Starzik and other services that you do not know but surely that will surely interest you! Because the more days will pass more as there will be site (as well as other category of the directory).

So go visit the directory and give us your opinion about the site and their services (do not forget that you must be signed in to see his commentary accept)..

The phone in questions.

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