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FAQ Board

Find all the answers and solutions you needed here!

Why look for information on the forum?

  • Search for solutions on the forums allow you to find specific and relevant results.


Why do not I drop posts?

  • To ensure responses and only quality conversations users connect to the site can leave messages and directly participate in conversations.


What is gained by being on DR-Forum?

  • You win nothing material, but you participate in the creation of a forum of diveres and varied conversations. You can also participate in games and competitions of all kinds.


Why can not I participate in contests on the forums?

  • Several responses, including: You are not logged to say contests.
  • You do not have permission to participate.
  • You're not part of the program concerned.


I can not access a category, is this normal?

  • This forum category is probably destirnée.

Last edited: 19/10/2016

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